Other Projects
Milagro Centre
Extensive remodel of an existing single story concrete tilt-up strip mall in Carmichael to a modernized retail center. Center features a 17,788 square foot south wing and 19,011 square-foot north wing either side of a 3,008 square-foot open courtyard. Extended columns along east frontage with new parapets and a new greenhouse style roof to partially enclose the courtyard. Completely new electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems, new fire sprinkler system and new community restrooms. Extensive frontage elements along Fair Oaks Blvd.
Rocklin Train Station
This 2,600 square foot wood framed train station was built for the city of Rocklin to replicate a historic site and included many site improvements.
Joe’s Crab Shack
Construction of a wood framed restaurant for Landry’s Inc. on a suspended concrete deck supported by piles driven into and adjacent to the Sacramento River.
Hayward Executive Airport
Construction of a 1-story airport administration building containing offices, pilot lounge, flight planning room, meeting room, lobby, reception, and other necessary facilities such as personnel parking, pedestrian bridge to runway, utility enclosure, trash enclosure, site lighting, landscaping, irrigation work and parking lot.
Portola Courthouse
Construction of a 7,300 square foot single courtroom courthouse on an undeveloped 1.75 acre parcel in the City of Portola for the State of California Administrative Office of the Courts. Site work included tree removal, grading, utilities, paving, sidewalk, curb and gutter, landscaping and rock retaining walls. The building's structure is heavy timber with wood stud walls. Exterior finishes feature metal roofing and siding, stone veneer and wood siding.
Bridgeport Covered Bridge
Structural rehabilitation, for the State of California, of a flood damaged historic 200 linear foot clear span covered bridge on the South Fork of the Yuba River. Included shoring to support and then raise the bridge to its original camber and replacement of timbers with the same species of lumber from the original construction.